8 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Tas kebab recipe


500 gr. piece of meat

3 onions

3 pieces of green pepper

3 tomatoes

2 cups water

1 tablespoon oil

1 tablespoon tomato paste

salt, pepper, thyme

Design and delightful kebabs in summer and winter , and between meals is loved . Construction loved it so easy and a great meal we often do . Great appetite coming from the kitchen with the smell of kebabs and design with open hearts and leave pleasant .


First, let's put a large pot , washed meat . Then I doğrayal edible onion and green pepper . Stir meat into our grease until the water is absorbed 'm kavural . Peel the tomatoes, roasted 'm doğrayal into the material as edible .


Let's turn them all on fire for a few minutes . Let's add into 3 cups lukewarm water . Then let's add diluted tomato paste . Material into the salt, pepper and thyme add it. With the help of a wooden spoon , pot , put it in the middle -grade fever, let's turn .


Meats are cooked soft and is about to put a bowl or glass lid on the dish , with its own steam by closing the lid of the pot being cooked than a transport wait. After cooking our food , service offering to cover open . Enjoy your meal.

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