Guests can catering to stylish , delicious , hearty salads Need to Do ? Then you are at right place . Now you ; boiled chicken meat to meat , yogurt, dill, food prepared with such helpful to chicken salad recipe , I will give the meat . Wishing to present to you a guest ...
What Need?
1 chicken breast
1 package etimek
1 yogurt
4-5 cloves garlic ( crushed)
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
half a bunch of dill
1 grain solid boiled eggs
How ?
1 Boil the chicken , pecking the thin .
2 A deep bowl , yogurt, garlic, mayonnaise and salt Stir .
3 Meat with garlic yogurt bars Dip into the duplex .
4 Borcama , meat and remaining yogurt bars directory pour over them .
5 Chicken meat on rolling out the Pomaks .
6 We also poured over chopped eggs .
7 Pour over the finely chopped dill , would adorn .
8 're Getting away square pieces into a serving dish .
Optionally you can pour red pepper in hot oil burned .
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